How to Register and Roster Limits

Getting Started with Signing Up a Team

Signing up as an individual? CLICK HERE!







If your team is at or above the Roster Limit, when you  invite someone that would exceed the limit, the system will notify you, and prompt you to purchase additional Roster Slots.


Each additional Accepted player above the limit on your team's roster will result in an additional fee based on the per player cost for that particular league






Need a little help building your roster? 


Using the FunLink makes it easy to share your invites to all of your potential teammates and make sure they're committed!


In order to use the FunLink, you need to head over to the "Manage Team" panel in your Player Page. 



Once you're there, you are going to want to click on the "Invite Player" tab to get full access to all the different ways to add players to your team.




Once there, there are a couple of ways to invite your teammates to the team (they'll always need to accept their spots on their own, the system won't automatically add anyone to your team without their permission). 


1. You can access your old rosters and invite anyone you've previously had on a team you captained through the "Invite Pat Teammates" panel. 


2. You can invite new or past teammates by using the FunLink!


The FunLink makes your invitations shareable by giving you a link that you can send via any medium you want. 


When inviting past teammates, or using the FunLink, you'll have the ability to request a portion of your team fee from those invited. You can choose the same amount, custom amounts per player, or no amount if you're feeling generous. 


Any payments are credited to your team balance. 


Using the FunLink via mobile will give you the ability to share the link through any app you'd like on your phone or to simply copy the link. 


If you're using your management panel through your desktop, you'll get the options of Facebook, Twitter, Email, or simply copying the link to your desktop's clipboard to share any other way you need! (Please note that choosing email willl open the default email program on your desktop, this is a setting governed by your browser. The FunLink doesn't choose that).




Assign Dues

TeamPayer is an online solution for splitting and paying your portion of the team fee. Captains can assign a dollar amount that the player owes when they invite them to join any team. When the player accepts their FunLink invite, they simultaneously pay their team portion directly to the league. The amount the Captain is responsible for is reduced as each player payment is made.


Unlike many money-sharing services, when one of your players pays a TeamPayer request, that amount goes directly to the league. The league fee balance you are responsible for as the team Captain is then reduced accordingly. Your teammates are paying the league directly, so that you don't have to try and collect money from them in person.



That’s it!





One day after the Week 2 games, your roster will freeze.  No additional players may be added or removed from your roster.





ONLY those teammates who ACCEPT their Captain’s Invite will receive uniforms (for leagues with uniforms).